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Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION Mk1c device


In stock
SKU : M1CBasicSP
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 1
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : United Kingdom
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Status : New
Warranty : 1 Year/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION Mk1c device


MinION can read DNA or RNA lengths ranging from short fragments to ultra-long sequences exceeding 4 Mb. They are suitable for various applications, including whole genomes and exomes, metagenomics, targeted sequencing, whole transcriptomes (cDNA), and smaller transcriptomes (direct RNA). Additionally, they enable multiplexing for smaller samples, with high output capabilities of up to 48 Gb per MinION Flow Cell and 2.8 Gb per Flongle Flow Cell, assuming optimal conditions over extended run times. Output may vary based on library type and run conditions.


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