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epMotion® Thermoadapter for PCR, for temperature control of PCR plates, 96 wells, skirted



In stock
SKU : 5075787008
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 1
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : Germany
Delivery time : 1 Day/s
Status : New
Warranty : 1
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

epMotion® Thermoadapter for PCR, for temperature control of PCR plates, 96 wells, skirted


The Thermoracks, Thermoblocks and Thermoadapters comprise versatile options for the cooling or warming of reaction vessels and plates of different formats. In addition, a gripper for plates and racks is capable of reducing, or even eliminating, interference within the workflow. A magnet adapter for the purification of DNA/RNA using magnetic beads is also available, and it enables fully automated purification using a diverse range of kits.



  • Temperature controlled when used with a thermal module
  • Sealing mats are used for automated sealing of Eppendorf PCR plates

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