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epMotion® Gripper Tower, enables positioning epT.I.P.S.® Motion Reload trays in the parking position of the gripper and holds the gripper when it is not in use; only for use with epMotion® 5073 as of serial number 6000



In stock
SKU : 5075751895
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 1
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : Germany
Delivery time : 1 Day/s
Status : New
Warranty : 1
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

epMotion® Gripper Tower, enables positioning epT.I.P.S.® Motion Reload trays in the parking position of the gripper and holds the gripper when it is not in use; only for use with epMotion® 5073 as of serial number 6000


The Eppendorf Reservoirs are the perfect vessels for the provision of 10 to 400 mL liquid, and they permit the use of single channel and multichannel dispensing tools. The tapered shape of the reservoirs allows utilization of the entire liquid volume with minimal residue. Moreover, the reservoirs may be temperature-controlled inside the racks to allow cooling or warming of liquids, for example, when PCR-mastermixes or cell culture media are used.

Our Reservoir Racks hold reaction vessels of different sizes, and they are tempered in order to protect valuable samples or carry out reactions directly inside the Reservoir Rack.



  • Space for an epT.I.P.S. Reload Rack under the gripper
  • Saves deckspace for pipette tips
  • Transfer to TipHolder 73 is automatic
  • epBlue software version 40.7 or higher required

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