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epMotion® Eppendorf Magnum FLX® Magnet Adapter, universal ring magnet plate for rapid magnetic bead separation. Supports most 96-well plates (standard, PCR, deepwell)



In stock
SKU : 5075751836
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 1
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : Germany
Delivery time : 1 Day/s
Status : New
Warranty : 1
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

epMotion® Eppendorf Magnum FLX® Magnet Adapter, universal ring magnet plate for rapid magnetic bead separation. Supports most 96-well plates (standard, PCR, deepwell)


The Thermoracks, Thermoblocks and Thermoadapters comprise versatile options for the cooling or warming of reaction vessels and plates of different formats. In addition, a gripper for plates and racks is capable of reducing, or even eliminating, interference within the workflow. A magnet adapter for the purification of DNA/RNA using magnetic beads is also available, and it enables fully automated purification using a diverse range of kits.



  • Specific magnetic field separates beads in a ring inside the vessel
  • For efficient removal of buffers and eluat
  • Sealing mats are used for automated sealing of Eppendorf PCR plates

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