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RNeasy Mini Kit (250)



In stock
SKU : 74106
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 37
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : Germany
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size :  250 reactions

For purification of up to 100 µg total RNA from cells, tissues, and yeast


The RNeasy Mini Kit provides fast purification of high-quality RNA from cells, tissues, and yeast using silica-membrane RNeasy spin columns with a binding capacity of 100 μg RNA. Tissue samples can be conveniently stabilized using RNAlater RNA Stabilization Reagent or Allprotect Tissue Reagent, and efficiently disrupted using a TissueRuptor or TissueLyser system. RNA purification using the RNeasy Mini Kit can be fully automated on the QIAcube Connect. For smaller and larger samples, the RNeasy Micro Kit (spin-column binding capacity of up to 45 µg RNA), the RNeasy Midi Kit (spin-column binding capacity of 1 mg RNA), and RNeasy Maxi Kit (spin-column binding capacity of 6 mg RNA) are also available.


  • Fast procedure delivering high-quality total RNA in minutes
  • Ready-to-use RNA for high performance in any downstream application
  • Consistent RNA yields from small amounts of starting material
  • No phenol/chloroform extraction, no CsCl gradients, no LiCl or ethanol precipitation


  • RNeasy Mini Spin Columns (pink): 250
  • Collection Tubes (1.5 ml): 250 
  • Collection Tubes (2 ml): 250 
  • Buffer RLT: 220 ml 
  • Buffer RW1: 220 ml 
  • Buffer RPE (concentrate): 55 ml
  • RNAse-Free Water: 50 ml

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