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Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Straight-Sided Wide-Mouth Polycarbonate Jars with Closure, 250 mL, Case of 24



In stock
SKU : 2116-0250
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 20
Minimum quantity : 2
Brand origin : USA
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size : CS/24

Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Straight-Sided Wide-Mouth Polycarbonate Jars with Closure, 250 mL, Case of 24


Collect and store pastes, solids, specimens and lab supplies with window-clear Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Straight-side Wide-Mouth Jars. A wide temperature range (−135°C to +135°C) makes these jars an excellent choice for cold room and refrigerated use all the way to the autoclave. Made only from high quality, laboratory-grade plastic materials for dependably low leachables and extractables. These high impact-resistant jars are extremely versatile. Not liquid leakproof.



  • Excellent for cold room and refrigerated use — easy to see contents
  • Wide-mouth and straight sides provide full-access and complete sample retrieval ease
  • 15, 30 and 60mL jars have natural polypropylene closures
  • 125mL to 1L jars have white polypropylene closures with recessed tops for stacking
  • 125 and 250mL sizes fit Osterizer™ and other blenders that have Mason Jar threads; recommended for use with Fluid Transfer Closure DS2153-0700
  • Not liquid leakproof; not recommended for liquid transport
  • Autoclavable/Transparent

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