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Multiskan™ FC Microplate Photometer with incubator, 96- and 384-well plates



On demand
SKU : 51119100
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 7
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : United States
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Status : New
Warranty : 1 Year/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

Multiskan™ FC Microplate Photometer with incubator, 96- and 384-well plates


The instrument provides fast and accurate measurements enabling complete 96-well plate reading in less than seven seconds. The instrument is also equipped with linear shaking as standard. A model with an incubator enables incubation temperatures up to 50°C and the capacity to read 384-well plates. SkanIt software supports optimal use of the instrument with a visual workflow, effortless data analysis and exporting capabilities.



  • A broad wavelength range of 340–850 nm for a wide variety of research and routine applications such as ELISA immunoassays, protein quantification, endotoxin, cytotoxicity and proliferation assays, enzyme assays and growth curves
  • Equipped with an eight-position filter wheel with three standard filters, 405 nm, 450 nm and 620 nm, preinstalled
  • A comprehensive range of easy-to install additional filters available for order
  • Fast and accurate measurement of both 96- and 384-well plates for various throughput requirements
  • Shaking and incubation up to 50°C for temperature critical assays
  • Ease of use through the large color screen and a variety of language versions
  • Visual and logical SkanIt software for comprehensive instrument control and data handling
  • Multiskan verification plate available for instrument performance verification
  • Robot compatibility for high-throughput environments

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