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Finnpipette™ F2 Fixed Volume Single-Channel Pipettes, 500 μL



On demand
SKU : 4652070
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 4
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : United States
Delivery time : On demand
Status : New
Warranty : 1 Year/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

Finnpipette™ F2 Fixed Volume Single-Channel Pipettes, 500 μL


Use Thermo Scientific™ Finnpipette™ F2 Fixed Volume Single-Channel Pipettes for highly demanding applications where robustness and durability are essential. With a sleek, rugged design, these pipettes are built with tough PVDF components that stand up to harsh chemicals and the damaging effects of UV light. Fully autoclavable.



  • Rugged and Durable: Finnpipette F2 contains tough PVDF components that stand up to harsh chemicals and the damaging effects of UV light. Its rugged design withstands physical use without damage.
  • Fully Autoclavable: Decontamination of the Finnpipette F2 is simple as there is no need to disassemble the F2 for autoclaving, minimizing disruption and downtime.
  • Maintenance is Easy: Simply detach the tip cone for efficient daily maintenance or decontamination when not using an autoclave.
  • Super Blow-out: 150% increase in air boost to ensure efficient delivery of micro-volumes and prevent capillary action in 50μL models and below.
  • Wide Selection of Finntip Pipette Tips

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