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Finnpipette™ Novus Multichannel Pipettes, 30 to 300 μL, 8 Cahnnels, Orange



In stock
SKU : 46300400
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 10
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : USA
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Status : New
Warranty : 1 Year/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Installation cost : On demand

Finnpipette™ Novus Multichannel Pipettes, 30 to 300 μL, 8 Cahnnels, Orange 


Speed up repetitive dispensing into 96- and 384-microplates with Thermo Scientific™ Finnpipette™ Novus Multichannel Pipettes. Available in a wide range of models for common laboratory tasks, this product has a lightweight handle and unique index-finger operation that enable longer work periods without fatigue. Simplicity, comfort and functionality — the Novus will be your new best friend in the lab.


  • Easy-to-read and intuitive menu navigation
  • Multilingual user interface options
  • 10 pipetting options include forward, reverse, diluting, stepper pipetting, mixing, sequential stepping and more
  • 9 aspirate/dispense speeds
  • Save up to 9 programs with your most common protocols
  • 8 multichannel versions, including a 16-channel for 384-well microplate applications, with color coding by volume for easy recognition
  • Full-size, backlit screen eliminates surrounding light reflections and improves contrast in low-light conditions
  • Quick in-lab calibration for accuracy and precision
  • Fully autoclavable tip cone ensures sterility and avoids cross-contamination
  •  Long-life battery allows approximately 4000 pipetting operations; recharged in about one hour

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