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Applied Biosystems™ Yfiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit, 100



In stock
SKU : 4484678
Available location : UAE
Available quantity : 1
Minimum quantity : 1
Brand origin : USA
Expiry time : On demand
Delivery time : 1 Week/s
Delivery cost : On demand
Unit size : 100 Reactions

Applied Biosystems™ Yfiler™ Plus PCR Amplification Kit, 100


The Yfiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit is designed for forensic laboratories that process highly challenging Y-STR casework and database samples. The Yfiler Plus kit is optimized to help improve resolution of trace evidence and sexual assault mixtures that contain small quantities of male DNA in a large background of female DNA and offers laboratories both the power of discrimination and the performance to enable accurate results in less time from challenging samples.

The Yfiler Plus PCR Amplification Kit is a 6-dye multiplex assay for short tandem repeats (STRs) that allows amplification from multiple male-specific sample types, such as male–male and male–female mixtures, and direct PCR amplification from single-source samples.



  • Improved discrimination capacity through new, highly disccriminating markers
  • Improved performance with degraded samples and PCR inhibitors
  • Improved genotyping accuracy through expanded allelic ladder and virtual bins
  • Concordance with existing data in reference haplotype databases
  • Increased workflow efficiency enabling faster time-to-results than previous Y-STR kits



  • Yfiler Plus Master Mix, 2 tubes, 0.5 mL/tube
  • DNA Control 007, 1 tubes, 0.05 mL
  • Yfiler Plus Primer Set, 2 tubes, 0.25 mL/tube, protect from light
  • Yfiler Plus Allelic Ladder, 2 tubes, 0.025 mL/tube, protect from light



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